Marketing Trends – surveyed more than 1,000 global marketing professionals.

Marketing Trends - surveyed more than 1,000 global marketing professionals.

Anticipating and adapting for future consumer behavior – this is undoubtedly the greatest challenge as well as the greatest reward for any marketing professional.

Even if trends should only be considered as indications to retain, foreseeing them or, in this case, following them closely, is the first step towards creating more efficient Marketing strategies.

With 2023 just around the corner, the time has come to take a look at some of the trends that will mark the new year.

And spoilers aside, it’s impossible not to highlight 3, listed by the HubSpot Blog, which are no surprise at all:

  • Social media will become a customer service tool.
  • More companies will prioritize social responsibility.
  • Inbound Marketing will remain a best practice for growing brands.

The marketing world moves at the speed of light.

As a marketer at any experience level, keeping up with these changes isn’t always easy. But, to succeed in the fast-paced marketing world — and maintain a sense of relevance with your audience — it’s vital to stay ahead of them.

Survey Highlights:

  1. Influencer marketing will evolve into a common marketing tactic.
  2. Video marketers will keep content short.
  3. Social media will become a customer service tool.
  4. More businesses will leverage SEO to concur search traffic.
  5. Mobile optimization will be even more important.
  6. More companies will prioritize social responsibility.
  7. Aligned marketing and sales teams will win.
  8. Experiential marketing could make a comeback.
  9. Inbound marketing will remain a best practice for growing brands.
  10. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will experience slow adoption in the marketing sphere.
  11. More brands will test out native ads.
For more detailed study check here
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